It should remind children what their place.

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By Celine Puyo on 25/01/15 – 10:10 p.m. In: Southwest> GD 64 – Pyrenees Atlantiques Meeting Minutes middle of Study Teaching Techniques> autonomy teaching techniques> exposed children GD 64 conference meeting January 17, 2015, it has worked … Who: Mary (CE2 / CM1 Arudy), Delphine (French teacher / college English calendreta Pau), Marie (Spanish teacher, college calendreta Pau), Christine (CP / EC1 Marancy Pau) Claude (EC1 / EC2 Bosdarros), Alexandra (CM1 / CM2 Amu), Karine (single-class school calendreta …), Isabelle (CP / EC1 Orthevielle) Carine (cycle 1 rainbow, Pau), Celine (CM1 / CM2 school of Flowers, Pau) 1. 2. Animation Committee Workshop: practical Analysis cycles 1 and 2: Isabelle tells his students are struggling to cooperate, some students require much attention but are not struggling and some are struggling and are forgotten. His questions concerning cooperation, tutoring … The themes swept by the 1/2 group in response to this: – tutoring: attachments and other types of assistance: collective tools in multiple copies in a place of class (digital tape, alphabet, sounds …). Custom tools are difficult to use when they are in the locker since in his class students often change places. – the underhand which are glued individualized paper trail – or lockers with personal affairs in a cabinet instead lockers tables to encourage travel; – about the spatial organization consultancy for students to find solutions to identified based activities; (Stickers on the tables?) – individual workshops games, work that does not require the presence of adults. Organization of the first student councils: – use of first names labels table to list students who want to talk; – students propose an agenda, aided by the mistress ==> attached detail tutor and guardian of the patent icem 34 Cycle 3 and Secondary: Karine: How to advance individual children while creating the group? When in purely academic activities, some do not want to work but when we make plans, we do not really know what children learn, if all children are learning something and it is impossible to assess what they learn. Delphine: We must take these moments and compartmentalize different types of activities. It can enter into contracts with the children to accept the learning moments as necessary to nourish projects. Karine: There is also the problem of books: how to fill the booklets when we worked as a project? Should we consider that the concept is being acquired because all concepts are more or less being acquired or the contrary, everybody has acquired the concept as it has been worked since the project ran ? Is it-with our way of working, it helps children as they needed it? Do they need more academic learning? – Martine: In a class on the homework
several levels, after the establishment of the class and start of operation until Christmas, in January, something changed that no longer allows the class to work properly: some of CM2 „seized power“ have emerged, took up more space in the class. They began to doubt the word of the teacher, to meet him … Between kindness and authority, what to do? Delphine: The teacher can tell the board that does not suit him using a clear message and submit the decision. One can also contract with these students like PCERA … Emily: If the problem of punishment: what sanctions can be useful, enable the student to become aware of the problem that it generates? Calendreta college, students know that there is no serious sanction against them and they doubt the virtues belts behavior and advice for solving problems. Martine: The use of „reflection sheets“ document on which the child writes what rule he did not follow and what it can do, is not always enough. Delphine: Before going to class, the teacher can ask the child if he is ready to go and get to work. If he is not ready, we can give him a few more minutes and then physically accompany him to his office. If it does not work, the teacher can then point out to him that eventually he was not ready and get him out of the class. It is a kind of mini contract that allows the student to feel included on the entry into the master class and to avoid overflows. The setting is reassuring. It should remind children what their place. Claude: The song of breath small breathing exercises to do for example returning from the canteen, when children are very restless. See „song of the wind“ on the internet. 3. Conferences References used: START workshop led by Marcel Thorel at the Strasbourg Congress, and the work of Sylvain Connac, Learn with cooperatives pedagogies, ESF editor, with which one can consider more comprehensive conferences. Of course these approaches are very guided only guides and are useful when the children need it. All ways to make more spontaneous from children should be encouraged when children are independent and creative. Celine: The conferences allow working from the desire of the child. These may include environmental studies or everyday life. 1. To set up conferences in the classroom, we must first start with a lecture course every afternoon for a week. The choice of subject is so common to the whole class (or group of the class who still has never done) and all conference is prepared together with what we already know to avoid the loss of time is the research work. The objective of this first work is to learn to get fit, to reach the end, to be happy with the work done. We must also choose the recipient conferences: newspaper, book, correspondents … 2. If some are beginning to master, they can go in pairs to another conference. You can also make many collective conferences before the children working in pairs to different conferences. When working in pairs, the teacher is in his office, teams register support or correction according to their need and are called, using overrides correction. 3. After several conferences made without research work, we can introduce the research phase. It must start with a course „how to look? „Before introducing the research. Stages of the realization of a conference: – preparation of research – research – formatting – presentation – preparation of research: The group that made the conference noted everything he knows on the subject (the table for the first conference). It then searches all his questions on the subject and note. The board or what’s up, kids say they want to do, what they know about the subject and the questions they ask. After asking the children in the class if they accept that this conference be presented, those who wish to say what they want to know more about the subject. The conference will answer questions in class (about ten questions). – Research: The research is used to find answers to questions from the class. When doing a literature search, we read without pencil is closed then wrote what is retained. We can go see if necessary. Each word must be explained. At the end of the conference, it should be noted the sources. Possible sources: textbooks, library class or school, BTJ, encycoop (BTJ online if subscribed), interviews (one must learn to conduct an interview), comments, the library, the past conferences … – formatting: When the team found all the answers to questions, she organizes ideas, gathers to make written paragraphs.