payforaresearchpaper com – His authoritarian rule provoked criticism of the West.

Kukiz’15 also wants to introduce, among others, the ability to record inspection by the arrested driver compensation not less than one thousand. zl for drivers to stop as unfounded and 5 bonus points for positive non-receipt of the year in penalty points. Paul presented the project Szramka (kukiz’15), among others, said that the project ucywilizowalby road checks and relieved the courts because, in the absence of material evidence in the form of recordings from cameras police could not bring the case to court, while the citizen chooses not to judicial proceedings, if recorded an evident proof of his guilt. Szramka also pointed out, among others, the proposal, to be able to temporarily deregister a vehicle without paying at the time of insurance. As argued, this solution expect thousands of drivers with more than one car. Maciej Maslowski (kukiz’15) argued that the project does not reject, but discuss it in committee. He admitted that he himself is not convinced about the proposed changes, but some seem to be necessary.

As he said, it can not be in the XXI century punish the driver for the lack of a „small carton,“ when you can check permissions in the ICT system. To reject the project as a whole spoke out on behalf of the club PiS Wojciech Buczak. According to him, the project aims to obstruction of police guarding road safety, and designers treat the police as „potential fraudsters, incompetent people, and even provocative traffic incidents.“ Buczak as he said, you definitely need to simplify procedures and speed up the course of proceedings but not this way. Cezary Grabarczyk (PO) declared that his club will not be opposed referral of the project to work in the committee, but most of the solutions contained in the draft criticized. He said among other things that must remain routine roadside, because how else can be detected, for example. Drunk drivers. Also Miroslaw Suchon (Modern) estimated that the project contains too many solutions that need to be assessed negatively – the elimination of routine checks, negative penalty points, temporary deregistration of the vehicle not to pay OC – but it can be a contribution to the discussion.

Modern Therefore will not oppose referral of the project to the committee. In a similar vein, he spoke of Kazimierz Kotowski (PSL). He pointed out that you should consider whether it is necessary to mandate himself for not having the license, but the priority is traffic safety. Because – as he said – you can not create new rules into question whether the checks will be carried out, when and how we will prosecute drunk drivers. (PAP) Prior to the meeting Czaputowicz Sullivan informed the US Embassy in Warsaw. In a communication sent by the press office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that the talks concerned, among others current bilateral relations, including the calendar of visits and contacts Polish-American high-level attributable to the first half of next year. „The dynamics of Polish-American relations at various levels remains recently very high, which is of particular importance not only from the point of view of the further development of strategic partnership RP-US, but also in the face of recent tensions in relations between Ukraine and Russia,“ – he said during the meeting the head Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted in the Communication Ministry. Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Sullivan and Czaputowicz also discussed the current situation on the eastern flank of NATO and the Polish-American cooperation in the field of security. „In this context, the following issues concepts to increase the American military presence in the Republic of Poland“ – reads the ministry. „An important topic of the talks was the issue of energy security in Europe, taking into account efforts to halt the project Nord Stream 2, and the Polish-American economic cooperation,“ – Foreign Ministry added. (PAP) by Matthew Roszak Kukiz The accident told PAP spokeswoman Silesian firefighters st. Cpt.

Aneta Golebiowska. According to her information, the plane crash killed two people; subsequent action were involved ten fire brigades, but almost on the spot there was a fire. Jun. Asp. Marta Ladowska of Czestochowa police told PAP that the dead a 40-year-old resident of the nearby municipality Mykanow, and another man – a resident of Silesia. „The plane probably fell while performing acrobatic figures, but the preliminary information on the area of ??the airport in Rudniki“ – pointed policewoman. (PAP) At 16 Polish time polling stations closed.

As reported by the Central Election Commission, turnout was 87.83 percent. with more than 20 million eligible to vote citizens of Uzbekistan. Mirzijojew 59-year-old, who holds the office of prime minister since 2003, is considered the most likely successor to the deceased at the beginning of September, President Islam Karimov. In recent months Mirzijojew also served as president, because of their exercise resigned chairman of the Senate Nigmatilla Juldaszew. In the elections competed in a total of four candidates. Previous President Islam Karimov has ruled Uzbekistan for 27 years. In Soviet times, he went through all levels of government party – was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, when he entered the USSR; he was also chairman of the Supreme Council of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic for several months before the announcement of the country’s independence in 1991.

His authoritarian rule provoked criticism of the West. The Constitution of Business is a package of five draft laws concerning. Changes in business law. It was announced a year ago, when 590 Congress in Rzeszow, by Deputy Matthew Morawiecki. The first reading of a package of five projects was held in the Parliament on Thursday evening. As a result of Friday’s voting projects will go to the Special Committee.

Deregulation, and the commission of economy and development is only present its opinion on them. Jerzy Meysztowicz (Modern) demanded that the projects went to the commission headed by him, the economy and development. „You do not want these projects to refer to this committee, because it directs the representative of the opposition“ – addressed before the vote for the ruling majority. Business on the Constitution composed of projects: Rights entrepreneurs; Act on the Commissioner for Small and Medium Entrepreneurs; Law on the Central Registration and Information on Business and Information Point for Businesses; Act on the rules of participation of foreign enterprises and other foreign persons in the economic territory of the Republic of Poland; Act – regulations implementing the Act – Law entrepreneurs and other laws on business. „Projects is governed by the general rules making, execution and termination of business activity in Poland, while strengthening the most important guarantees of freedom and rights of entrepreneurs“ – announced during Thursday’s debate Deputy Minister of Economy Mariusz Haladyj. He stressed that the law will be a system for entrepreneurs. The most extensive project of the Constitutional Law is a project of entrepreneurs. It has replaced the Act of 2004 how much to pay for a research paper. Freedom of Economic Activity.

This right shall establish the basic legal principles relating to the entrepreneurs. The projects bring a number of solutions, such as – what is not prohibited by law is permitted; undeclared activities; relief to start for beginner entrepreneurs; Legal explanations; appointment of the Commissioner of SMEs. It has been prepared separate law for foreign investors. (PAP) by Peter Smilowicz editor Jacek Ensztein „This is what we are currently experiencing, it is desirable transformation (the situation in the Donbass) in the Transnistria scenario. Therefore, do not rule out carrying out (the separatists) referenda, or even fraudulent local elections, from which Russia will be renounced, but in fact it will be supported and promoted, „- he said. Yeliseyev he assured that Kiev is closely watching events in Donbas and doing everything for the coordination and mobilization of the international coalition proukrainskiej that she undertook pressure on Moscow to implement the Minsk arrangements for settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. „But unlike Transnistria and, according to our estimates, Russia is not interested in the cessation of hostilities, shellings and diversion in Donbas.

Escalating tension is trying to frustrate political and economic situation in the country (Ukrainian), to create a so-called controlled instability, not to let the Ukraine on the successful implementation of reforms, „- said presidential minister. Yeliseyev said that the Ukrainian authorities continue to consider talks in the format Norman (Germany, France, Ukraine, Russia) as an important instrument of conflict resolution around the Donbass and gave to understand that it does not advocate the case for his extension. The clerk was asked in this context by journalists about the recent visit of the head of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski in Kiev, during which discussed, among others, the issue of a possible extension of the circle of the guardians of the peace process in the east of Ukraine. „This question should ask the Polish side. I again want to emphasize that the request of the Ukrainian side is not enough, and needed the consent of the other participants. We are grateful to the Polish side for readiness to help Ukraine, and we hope that it will continue to actively support us in responding to the needs order, which comes into contact with Ukraine, „- he said. „I think for example, that a good foundation for further development of good bilateral relations climate would be giving up some Polish politicians to politicize the topic of complex pages of our common history and its continuous operation for the benefit of Russian propaganda“ – Yeliseyev stressed in an interview with the newspaper „Segodnya“. (PAP) Who hired you? Luis Moreno Ocampo Fig.

Estonian Foreign Ministry [CC BY 2.0] Source: Creative Commons Polish government. I was asked that on the basis of international law and my experience in resolving international conflicts take part in the process of seeking to recover the wreckage of the plane of Polish Rosji.Dlaczego do you agree? In his youth, working as a prosecutor in Argentina, I was involved in the investigation against the military dictatorship gen. Jorge Rafael Videla. It was 1985. It was the first such investigation against the great tyrants since the Nuremberg trials. My role was to prepare the proceedings.

But in my country, many people simply took no note of what really happened in Argentina. What crimes have been committed, how many people were killed by the junta. Even my mother was convinced that gene. Videla protect society against the guerrillas. I must say that it was only with the development process, my mother changed her mind. More, she experienced a kind of transformation.

After two weeks, she called me and said: „I still love General Videla, but you’re right, he should go to prison“ But Poland is a small country in Eastern Europe. Why are you interested in it? I say this because in my work, once a prosecutor, head of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, now an international consultant, the most important is the truth. I know that when Poland regained its freedom, Poles felt the same emotions as the Argentines when he ended the rule of a military dictatorship. I had the opportunity to see how changing the face of the truth kraju.My regained independence in 1989. Then it was over time dyktatorow.Wiem about this course and did not even suggest that you are dealing with dictators. The more I wanted to emphasize the importance of truth.

And for many years I thought that the issue of the military dictatorship in Argentina, the process will be the biggest of my life. I thought so until 2003. When he was appointed head of the International Criminal Court in Hadze.Bo then began to take you around the swiatem.Tak, in a certain sense, yes. It turned out that what I went through in Argentina, it has become a kind of training for subsequent cases. As the head of the International Criminal Court had to deal with various leaders, with many presidents. However, a key issue in all these matters has always been true.

Yet I dealt with, among others, due to the genocide in Darfur, I carried out an investigation into crimes against humanity committed by both Libyan security forces loyal to leader Muammar Gaddafi and the opposition to the government of Gaddafi, I made a request to the ICC to issue a warrant of arrest of Gaddafi’s son Sayf al-Islam and the head Abdullah Senussiego interview for crimes against humanity. I was involved in the conflict in Georgia in 2008., And therefore also the matter of Russia lay in my area dzialan.W this matter was also involved President Lech Kaczynski. You met the Polish politicians do not. I spoke with Russian delegations. Twenty, nine years of being the head of the International Criminal Court, had briefowac the UN Security Council on various issues.

And it did not concern only the nature of criminal investigations, but also how you operate dyplomacje.Kto specifically invited to work with the Polish government? Antoni Macierewicz, the defense minister is the official invitation narodowej.To Yes, we signed kontrakt.Kiedy? In the last week. What specifically covers, what the contract between you and the Polish government? Attempts to recover the wreckage of the plane that crashed near Smolenskiem.I what else?

Polish-Russian relations in this particular sprawie.Jakie are your obligations to the Polish government? I assure independent and impartial review , based on international law, which has lead to a solution to the problem and return the wreckage of a confidentiality clause samolotu.Podpisal you? As usual in such matters I am entitled to receive confidential information, but my opinion is independent and bezstronna.Spotkal are you personally with the Minister Macierewicz ? Tak.Z Jaroslaw Kaczynski, too? No, Tylk with the Minister of Macierewiczem.Jak it looked like the practical side? We had a very open conversation. Both agreed that my contribution is to be purely an expert advisory in the context of the right miedzynarodowego.Od what you begin? The first thing I want to do is hearing conversations from the cockpit, the last hour of the flight on 10 April 2010.

Because of far as I know, there are different versions and operate conversations with the cockpit government plane, which crashed in Smolensk. You have to analyze the scientific record, to determine what actually happened, who said what, or indeed anyone entered or not. I think we are able to explain how these talks look what happened there. Of course, it is difficult for me at the moment to talk about it, because I did not read the whole materialu.Kiedy you to read the bible I hope that very soon. The band, who is handling the case in Poland, send me recordings available to the Polish side.