Process Map To Making Cash On-Line

Since there are so many money making opportunities online and each with it’s own learning curve I figured I would do some research what it takes to be an online marketer. While my knowledge is still limited I have compiled a nice 10 page guide on what everyone seems to be talking about on online marketing. I will just go over the basics here in this article of what I’ve found.

Freelance writing – Today, there are more online businesses than ever before. What does this mean for you? These website owners are in constant need of content such as articles, blog posts and even pages for their website. Join some of the sites that provide content to webmasters such as Elance, or advertise your services through classified online and social networking sites.

Go viral! Virus is a disease that spreads fast. Like the internet virus, you can spread word about your business like wildfire! First create a document or a fascinating video clip of your business. Upload this on the internet and forward it to your friends. If you have a website, include the link in the email you are forwarding. Ask your friends to pass it on to their friends. This can go on and on and pretty soon you will have a stream of free traffic to your website. This also generates a number of leads you can use to follow up on potential customers.

The site should be an easy to use website. Complicated signup processes and tough ad posting methods will not only make life difficult for you but it will also discourage other users and thereby reducing the visitor traffic to this site.

You can get a free sample of Blistex by registering and joining (for free) an online service that offers health related news and forum groups. What does the site get? Undoubtedly they are paid by Blistex and other firms offering samples to bring them potential customers.

Look for ads that catch your eye. Modify them to fit the product you are promoting and then add your own personal touch. You can include an excerpt from an ebook you are selling, a section from the sales letter, or your personal endorsement.

This is just a fancy word for some one that sales something for a percentage of the revenue. This is actually a very good way to make money on the internet lot’s of people do this and do this well. However a new person with no experience to draw from could end up broke in a hurry from paying advertising fee’s. You cam always find one of them adds that will give you a free website and set it up free with products.

Does the body of the message contain a lengthy disclaimer from the ezine owner that explains their SPAM policy and that they aren’t associated with the advertiser and aren’t responsible for the content? This is a red flag to me because it makes the reader less receptive to your ad.

Do you see the same advertisements multiple times? This is a good sign that the advertiser is getting a good response. One way to be sure is to contact the advertiser and simply ask.

Some people swear by AdWwords but if you don’t know how to use them they can be a massive waste of time and money. Skip AdWwords at least until you have a bigger budget and you’ll save a ton of money each month.