Project „Affordable Additional Education for Children“

Project „Affordable Additional Education for Children“

The priority project “Affordable Additional Education for Children” is one of the main funding channels for Russian additional education from the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2020. Its task is to create a simple, understandable and effective system of circles and sections available for all children from 5 to 18 years old, regardless of their place of residence and financial well-being. How was it planned to be done and what is happening with the project now?


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To involve as many children and adolescents as possible in the work of circles, sections and courses – this was the main goal of the project. By the end of 2020, three quarters of Russian children should be enrolled in additional education in circles working at schools and kindergartens, in special centers, houses of creativity and private companies.

The project provides for the creation of a target model for managing additional education based on modern organizational and economic mechanisms. For this, personalized financing was introduced, according to which the state allocates a certain amount of funds to pay for the circles for each child. Large „nodes“ of additional education, the so-called model centers, are being created in the regions. They coordinate the work of all children’s circles, help them with resources, methodological materials, improve the qualifications of teachers and, in general, help to establish an effective use of the resource base and personnel.

To ensure the availability of additional education, an all-Russian navigator should be created, which will concentrate data on additional education programs – where and what can be learned, on what conditions. The site is needed primarily to inform parents about the available areas of education, including for children from rural areas, gifted students, schoolchildren with disabilities. You can choose your municipality, see all the circles and build an individual educational strategy for each child.

The second goal of the project is the maximum development of the natural science and technical direction in additional education. Many model centers are being created on the basis of the Quantorium children’s technoparks, their financing has become a priority. There are mobile technoparks in the outback.

Areas of activity of „Quantoriums“. Infographics ASI (Agency for Strategic Initiatives)

At the same time, the goals were set to update the content of additional education, organize an independent assessment of its quality, clarify the concept of extracurricular activities, and develop professional standards for teachers.


The project was adopted in 2016 and is being implemented in 6 stages. The first is organizational, and from the second, work began with regional systems of additional education. In 2017, the first model centers were opened in pilot constituent entities of the Russian Federation, financing and creation of technology parks „Quantorium“ started, the professional standard of a teacher of additional education was clarified.

The third stage (2018) involved steps to modernize educational infrastructure and programs, continue the creation of model centers (their number was brought to 31) and Quantoriums (58), as well as the introduction of personalized funding.

Technoparks network „Quantorium“. ASI card

From this stage until the end of the project, separate subsidies are provided to those regions where additional education is less developed: the coverage of children with classes in sections from year to year is lower than the average in Russia.

At the fourth stage (2019), the standard for ensuring the availability of additional education for children with disabilities, for schoolchildren in difficult life situations, and for gifted children is being tested. The list of regions where model centers, „Quantoriums“ have been created, is expanding, the creation of a federal navigator site and the introduction of personalized financing of additional education continues.  

At stages 5-6 (2020 and 2021), model centers and children’s technology parks should work in all regions, it is assumed that at least 12% of educational places will be modernized. By the time the project is completed, 75% of children should be enrolled in additional education programs.


By the end of 2018, many of the goals set in 2016 have been achieved. In different regions, 89 „Quantoriums“ have been opened, in which 80 thousand people study.

Mobile technoparks, IT cubes, centers for identifying and supporting gifted children are opening. In 2018, 400 thousand certificates for personalized financing were issued.

Since 2019, the federal project „The Success of Every Child“ has taken over the baton of the development of additional education. Its main goal is to create an effective system for identifying and developing the abilities of children, which will help each student to find himself and consciously approach the choice of a future profession.

The Affordable Additional Education project has been the main channel for financing the sector for two years. The government allocated money for equipment, infrastructure, and training facilities, especially for technical and science circles. A significant result is the creation and improvement of the federal navigator for additional educational programs. At the final, sixth, stage of the project in 2021, it is envisaged to develop a plan for the maintenance and development of its results for the period until 2025.

The full version of the passport of the project „Accessible additional education for children“ can be found on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation.